MMA Brand Marketers

Attend POSSIBLE 2024 with a complimentary Premium Pass

Gain insights from disruptive leaders in marketing, discover new companies, meet potential partners, and find the solution providers that your organization needs!
Who Qualifies as a Brand Marketer?

A brand marketer is a client-side marketing decision maker employed by a company that advertises B2C and/or DTC and buys marketing services and solutions to achieve its goals (Agencies are excluded).*

*Approval subject to review and approval by Beyond Ordinary Events/POSSIBLE team. We reserve the right to accept, reject or prohibit registration for or attendance at its events at any time for any reason.

POSSIBLE Conference Hosted Meetings Brand Marketers

Bring your team to
Discover what’s POSSIBLE

MMA Brand Marketers are eligible to attend POSSIBLE 2024 with a FREE Premium Pass. Apply now for a FREE Premium Pass and invite your team to join! 

New in 2024!
MMA Brand Marketers are invited to join our
Hosted Meetings Program, one-to-one meetings program that facilitates pre-scheduled onsite 15-minute introductory meetings with the solution providers you want to meet.​ Whether you need to meet potential partners, discover some of the latest startups, or find innovative solutions for your organization, our Hosted Meetings Program has you covered. All meetings are double opt-in (both people agree to meet each other), and so they’re valuable to everyone. APPLICATIONS CLOSED.

A brand marketer is a client-side marketing decision maker employed by a company that advertises B2C and/or DTC and buys marketing services and solutions to achieve its goals (Agencies are excluded).*

*Approval subject to review and approval by Beyond Ordinary Events/POSSIBLE team. We reserve the right to accept, reject or prohibit registration for or attendance at its events at any time for any reason.

MMA Brand Marketer
Premium Pass Benefits

As Premium Pass holders, Brand Marketers will enjoy a full range of outstanding benefits including the opportunity to attend industry keynotes and impactful thought leadership sessions on our Inspiration and Vision stages.

In addition to having access to our Expo Hall and Expo Garden, you’ll be able to join our curated masterclasses and workshops designed to sharpen your industry knowledge in a more intimate and interactive settingBrand Marketers are invited to attend the Wednesday night Closing Party and have access to all food and beverage onsite. 

Immerse yourself in three (3) full days of content and experiences!

POSSIBLE 2024 Premium Pass