Completing Org Admin tasks: To help complete Hosted Brand Marketers Program action items for Hosted Brand Marketers from your organization, you’ll need to use your desktop (the mobile app does not support Org Admin activities). If you’re a Hosted Brand Marketer just completing action items for yourself, you can use the mobile app.
‘Manage Participants & Roles’ screen: From this screen you can:
Select who you want to manage: Go to ‘Manage Participants & Roles’ and select the Hosted Brand Marketers from your organization that you want to ‘Manage As Org Admin’. Voilà–you can help complete action items for them.
- Add or Assign Org Admins: Need some Org Admin backup? Click ‘Add New Org Admin’ to add unregistered individuals as Org Admins, or click ‘Assign’ to assign registered attendees as Org Admins.
Opt In to Hosted Meeting Requests and Request Meetings stage:
- ‘Manage [Organization]’s Participants’ Requests & Opt-ins’ screen: If you want to help opt in to Hosted Meeting requests or request meetings for some or all of the Hosted Brand Marketers you’re managing, check the boxes next to their names.
Collaboration & Efficiency tools: Just like regular program participants, Org Admins can use the full range of collaboration and time-saving features:
- Bookmarks: If you’re not sure you want to request to meet someone (for the Hosted Brand Marketers you’re requesting meetings for, or yourself if you’re a Hosted Brand Marketer), simply Bookmark them and decide later (they’ll be under ‘Bookmarks’).
- Saved Lists: Click ‘Save List’ to name and save a specific search/filter result so you can come back to it later (it’ll be under ‘My Lists’).
Meeting Requests Progress: Click the tooltip at the top of the screen to track the progress of Hosted Brand Marketers you’re helping manage against their recommended minimum number of opt-ins to Hosted Meeting requests and their own meeting requests.
Accept Meetings onwards: From the Accept Your Meetings stage onwards, you may view the ongoing progress and status of the Hosted Brand Marketers you want to manage, including:
- View if they have accepted their meetings
- View their scheduled meetings
- View if they have provided feedback